Ordering Information

TCA 4100Telephony Conformance Analyzer
 Includes instrument mainframe with operating software, MS Windows XP Professional OS, MS Office Basic factory installed, and on-line User Manual.
At least one of the following options must be ordered
 Includes instrument mainframe with operating software, MS Windows XP Professional OS, MS Office Basic factory installed, and on-line User Manual.
Opt. ALGFor connection of analog terminal equipment. Used in acoustic and Voice Quality testing.
Opt. ACUAcoustic and Telephonometry testing. Includes external test head for handset fixation with ear simulator and mouth simulator.
Opt. HATSAcoustic and Telephonometry testing. Includes Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) with built-in mouth simulator, ear simulator (right ear) and handset positioner. For handset, headset and hands-free devices testing.
Opt. HATS2Same as Opt. HATS plus left ear simulator.
Opt. HACHearing aid compatibility test option. Includes two magnetic field antennas, interconnecting cable.
Opt. TSYNCIncludes hardware and software for dual-port time-synchronized measurements such as phase, jitter and PEAQ.
Opt. ANRIncludes 4-port audio card and four external speakers for Ambient Noise Rejection test.
Opt. PESQPESQ voice quality testing. ITU-T P.862 (MOS).
Opt. POLQAPOLQA voice quality testing. ITU-T P.863 (MOS).
Opt. TOSQATOSQA voice quality testing.
Opt. DECTDECT interface for acoustic and telephonometry testing of wireless DECT handsets. Includes external DECT base station that connects to the Analog PSTN interface.
Opt. WiFiWi Fi interface for acoustic and telephonometry testing of wireless Wi Fi handsets. Includes external Wi Fi base station that connects to the Ethernet port.
Opt. BluetoothBluetooth interface for acoustic testing of Bluetooth headsets and hands-free sets. Includes external USB Bluetooth adapter. to the Ethernet port.
Cellular optionsAcoustic and telephonometry testing of (GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, CDMA2000) cellular telephones.
Includes external cellular base station simulator.
Consult with Hermon Laboratories on the cellular interface specification. to the Ethernet port.
Options ALG and Bluetooth must be factory installed.
All the options can be installed together.
Recommended accessories
External 17″ or 19″ LCD color monitor
External keyboard and mouse
External USB DVD RWFor backup/restore and emergency software and factory data recovery
External USB to GPIB controllerFor control of external GPIB test equipment

Contact us for more options and testing

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