Ordering Information

TCA 8200Telecom Conformance Analyzer
 Includes instrument mainframe with internal HD, universal card reader, operating software, MS Windows 7 OS, MS Office Basic factory installed, external 17″ LCD color monitor, keyboard, mouse, and on-line User Manual.
At least one of the following options must be ordered
Opt. ALGAnalog PSTN interface testing.
Opt. CID SMSCID and SMS simulation and testing over Analog PSTN interface.
Opt. T11544 kbit/s interface Layer 1 testing.
Opt. E12048 kbit/s interface Layer 1 testing.
Opt. L23ETSI TBR 4 Layer 2 and Layer 3 ISDN PRI testing.
Opt. MUX2X16-1BLDual 16 to 1 multiplexer for switching of up to 16 T1/E1 two-pair balanced lines or up to 32 analog single pair lines. Remotely controlled by the TCA 8200 over RS-232.
Opt. MUX2X8-1ULDual 8 to 1 multiplexer for switching of up to 8 E1 Tx and Rx 75 ohm unbalanced lines. Remotely controlled by the TCA 8200 over RS-232.
Opt. VoIPVoIP interface for through transmission, VQT and acoustic testing of VoIP devices.
Opt. VQTPESQ voice quality testing. ITU-T P.862 (MOS).
Opt. POLQAPOLQA voice quality testing. ITU-T P.863 (MOS).
Opt. DSLTesting of xDSL electrical characteristics and transmit power.
Opt. ACUAcoustic and telephonometry testing.
Includes external test head for handset fixation with ear simulator and mouth simulator.
Opt. HATSAcoustic and telephonometry testing. Includes Head and Torso Simulator (HATS) with built-in mouth simulator, ear simulator (right ear) and handset positioner. For handset, headset and hands-free devices testing.
Opt. HATS2Same as Opt. HATS plus left ear simulator.
Opt. ACU-INTInternal interface with one audio output and one measurement input. Connects to external mouth and ear simulators (not included with this option).
Opt. ACU-INT2Adds second internal measurement input. Connects to external ear simulator (not included with this option).
Opt. Hands-freeAcoustic and telephonometry testing.
Includes external positioner with mouth simulator and microphone for testing of hands-free phones according to IEEE Std 1329-1999.
Opt. HACHearing aid compatibility test option for FCC P.68 HAC tests. Includes two magnetic field antennas and interconnecting cable.
Requires opt. ACU-INT
Opt. DECTDECT interface for acoustic and telephonometry testing of wireless DECT handsets. Includes external DECT base station that connects to the Analog PSTN interface.
Opt. WiFiWi-Fi interface for acoustic and telephonometry testing of wireless Wi-Fi handsets. Includes external Wi-Fi base station that connects to the Ethernet port.
Opt. BluetoothBluetooth interface for acoustic testing of Bluetooth headsets and hands-free sets. Includes external USB Bluetooth adapter.
Cellular optionsAcoustic and telephonometry testing of (GSM, CDMA, WCDMA, CDMA2000) cellular telephones.
Includes external cellular base station simulator.
Consult Hermon Laboratories on the cellular interface specification.
Options ACU, ACU-INT, ACU-INT2, HATS, HATS2 require option ALG.
Option DSL requires option ALG.
Option L23 requires option E1.
Option CID SMS requires option ALG.
Option VQT requires at least one of the ALG, T1 or E1 options.
All the options except for options L23, VQT, SIP , VoIP, CID SMS, WiFI,
Bluetooth must be factory installed. All the options can be installed together.
Recommended accessories
External USB DVD RWFor backup/restore and emergency software and factory data recovery.
External USB to GPIB controllerFor control of external GPIB test equipment.

Contact us for additional options

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